  1. I am not I

From the recording "Openings"

from "Openings", released 17 June 2010
I am not I:

piano/voice, Cynthia Marie
guitar, Cameron Peace
bass/voice, Birch Pereira
drums, David Bush
voice, Kiera Clarke

engineer: Rick LeDoux, London Bridge Studios

mixing: Robb Davidson
Nels Music, Seattle, WA

mastering: Huntley Miller
HM Mastering, Minneapolis, MN

Songs by Cynthia Marie Dillard 2010


The lyrics are a poem called "Yo no soy yo" or, "I am not I" by Juan Ramon Jimenez, translated by Robert Bly. Kiera Clarke recites the poem in Spanish to introduce the song. Hope you enjoy!

Soy este
que va a mi lado sin yo verlo;
que, a veces, voy a ver,
y que, a veces, olvido.
El que calla, sereno, cuando hablo,
el que perdona, dulce, cuando odio,
el que pasea por donde no estoy,
el que quedará en pié cuando yo muera.

I am not I
I am this one
walking beside me
whom I do not see
at times I manage to visit
and at other times I forget
the one who remains
silent when I talk
the one who forgives
sweet when I hate
the one who takes a walk
while I remain indoors
and the one who remains
standing, when I die.